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In this respect, they are distinctly human artefacts in the same way as houses or paintings are paradigmatically human artefacts, whichĬould not be naturally-occurring entities. This then locates them at the pole, which is directly opposite to that occupied by organisms regarded as naturally-occurring.

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In the case of the latter, their greater degree of artefacticity is due to the fact that their mode of production involves the manipulation of, and indeed, the exchange of genetic material at the molecular level across species, and even, kingdoms. However, such Mendelian products, nevertheless, may be said, in comparison, to embody a lower level of artefacticity than those produced by rDNA technology induced by the fundamental discoveries of molecular genetics in the second half of the last century. In the first half of the twentieth century, the technology of hybridization generated by the theoretical discoveries of Mendelian genetics produced with a greater degree of precision plants and animals possessing characteristics deemed to be desirable than the traditional methods of breeding. The living world can now be viewed as a vast organic Lego kit inviting combination, hybridization, and continual rebuilding. The limitations of species can be transcended by splicing organisms, combining functions, dovetailing abilities and linking together chains of properties. This is not just a change of technique, it is a new way of seeing. Many of the things that were discussed as science fiction five years ago have already happened. The appearance and maturity of a new basic scientific discipline, that is, molecular biology, and in particular its sub-branch, molecular genetics, has engendered a technology, namely, biotechnology, which permits a quantum leap, so to speak, in the kind and degree of control of biotic nature, over its predecessor technology based on the classical gene-chromosome theory.įor the first time ever, we are able to cross the species barrier and, in principle, to dispense with natural evolution in the production of novel organisms and new species.īiotechnology makes it possible for us to make over biotic nature to our will and design.

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Transgenic organisms: how they differ from Mendelian hybrids Institute for Environment, Philosophy & Policy University of Lancaster

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Patenting and Transgenic Organisms: A Philosophical Exploration

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